Thursday, August 11, 2011

Data Structures (Stack operations using linked lists)


Define the structure of the node with the data it holds and a link to another node.
struct node
int item;
struct node *link;

Declare a pointer top to point the TOP of the stack. Initially the pointer top is pointing to NULL
struct node *top;

The push function.
void push(int data)
//create a temporary node, add data to it, link it with the stack and update the top
struct node temp;
if(&temp!=NULL) // if node is not created, then there is no memory for new node
temp.item = data; = top;
top = &temp;
printf("Data Inserted\n");
printf("Stack is full");

The pop function
void pop()
struct node *temp;
if(top!=NULL)//top NULL implies that stack is empty
temp = top;
printf("popped data is:%d",temp->item);
top = top->link;
printf("Stack empty");

int main()
return 0;

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